Adding an additional owner does require a ‘transfer’, and it does require some paperwork, even if there is no mortgage and no money is changing hands.
Are you wanting to add the new owner as a ‘joint owner’, or are you wanting to have separate shares?
With joint ownership – ‘joint tenancy – you are both on the title as co-owners and, when one dies, ownership passes to the surviving owner automatically by law. It is not part of the deceased owner’s ‘estate’ and does not require probate or letters of administration before it can be processed.
With separate shares – ‘tenants in common’ – you each own a specified share – maybe ½ each, but not necessarily – and there is no ‘survivorship’. When one owner dies, their share is part of their estate and is dealt with according to their will or the law that applies if there is no will.
You need to be sure what type of co-ownership you intend to have – ‘joint tenancy’ or ‘tenancy in common’.
I usually charge $390 (incl GST and LINZ fees) for such a transfer as long as no further advice is required and the information I need is provided efficiently.
When you have provided the information requested, I’ll check the land title and prepare the paperwork. I’ll email it to you, along with my invoice. You will need to get it signed and witnessed and sent back to me (hard copy). Then, assuming you have paid the invoice, I complete the land registration online and send you a copy of the new record of title when I receive it. Usual timeframe – no more than 2 business days after I receive the signed hard-copy paperwork from you, and usually sooner than that.
If you would like to go ahead, you and the intended additional owner need to complete this online form, please – you will need to upload your photo IDs and something to show the current owner’s name at that property address (eg rates notice, power bill). You will also need your IRD numbers, and you will both need to sign the form online. (If you don’t want to sign it via this online form, I can send you a hard copy to sign with the other paperwork.)